Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules and WESM Manual on Dispatch Protocol, and Creation of WESM Manual on Ancillary Services Monitoring Regarding Reserve Market Compliance and Related Enforcement and Actions
Amending Certain Provisions of Department Circular No. DC2021-06-0013 on the Framework Governing the Test and Commissioning of Generation Facilities for Ensuring Readiness to Deliver Energy to the Grid or Distribution Network
Adopting Further Amendments to the WESM Rules and WESM Manual on Procedures for the Monitoring of the Forecast Accuracy Standard (FAS) for Must-Disptach Generating Units (Matters Relating to Enforcement Proceedings and Actions)
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules and the WESM Manual on Registration, Suspension and De-registration Criteria and Procedures (Provisions on Preferential Dispatch of Renewable Energy Generating Units)
Adopting Further Amendments to the WESM Manual on Billing and Settlement – Provisions on Additional Compensation Formula During Market Intervention/Suspension
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules and Manuals – Provisions on Penalty Framework for Test and Commissioning
Adopting Amendments to the WESM Rules, Retail Rules and Various Market Manuals, and Promulgation of Retail Manual on the Procedures for the Implementation of the Green Energy Option Program (GEOP)
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules and Market Manuals on System Security and Reliability Guidelines (SSRG) and Dispatch Protocol for the Implementation of the Reserve Market
Declaring All Renewable Energy Resources as Preferential Dispatch Generating Units in the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market Amending for this Purpose Department Circular No. DC2015-03-0001
Adopting Amendments to the Renewable Energy Market (REM) Rules (Provisions for the RE Registrar, Obligations of the RGC and Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Issuance, and Additional Seats in the RGC for the RES and for Small REM Generators)
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Market Manual on Billing and Settlement (Provisions on Additional Compensation Process)
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules and Market Manual on Constraint Violation Coefficients (CVC) and Pricing Re-runs (PR) (Harmonization with the ERC Decision on ERC Case No. 2017-042 RC)
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules and its Market Manual on Billing and Settlement for the Implementation of Enhancements to WESM Design and Operations (Provisions for Prudential Requirements)
Amending Certain Provisions of Department Circular NO. DC2021-03-0007 Entitled "Adopting Further Amendments to the WESM Rules and Market Manual on the Management of NET Settlements Surplus (Harmonization with ERC Resolution no. 07 series of 2019)
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Market Manual on Constraint Violation Coefficients and Pricing Re-runs for the Implementation of Enhancements to WESM Design and Operations (SSG)
Adopting A General Framework Governing the Test and Commissioning of Generation Facilities for Ensuring Readiness to Deliver Energy to the Grid or Distribution Network
Supplementing Department Circular No. DC2021-06-0013 on the Framework Governing the Test and Commissioning of Generation Facilities for Ensuring Readiness to Deliver Energy to the Grid or Distribution Network
Adopting Further Amendments to the WESM Rules and its Market Manual on lnformation Disclosure and Confidentiality (Exceptions for Confidentiality Undertakings for DOE and ERC)
Adopting Further Amendments to the Market Manual on Registration, Suspension and De-Registration Criteria and Procedures to Clarify Bilateral Contracts Accounted for in Settlements
Amending Certain Provisions of Annex A of DC2021-06-0025 Entitled Declaring the Commercial Operations of Enhanced WESM Design and Providing Further Policies
Providing Policies for the Adoption of the WESM Rules and its Market Manuals for the Implementation of Enhancements to the WESM Design and Operations (Provisions for the Market Surveillance, Enforcement and Compliance)
Adopting Further Amendments to the WESM Rules, Retail Rules and Various Market Manuals for the lmplementation of Enhancements to WESM Design and Operations (Provisions to Promote Participation in the Retail Competition)
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules and Market Manual on Procedures for the Monitoring of Forecast Accuracy Standards For Must Dispatch Generating Units for the Implementation of Enhancements to WESM Design an
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Market Manual on Load Forecasting Methodology for the Implementation of Enhancements to WESM Design and Operations
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Market Manual on Dispatch Protocol for the Implementation of Enhancements to WESM Design and Operations
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Market Manuals for the Implementation of Policy and Framework Governing the Operations of Embedded Generators
Adopting A General Framework Governing the Operationalization of the Reserve Market in the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market and Providing further Policies to Supplement DC2019-12-0018
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Manuals on Registration, Suspension and De-registration, and Market Network Model Development and Maintenance for the Implementation of Enhancements to WESM Design and Operations
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Market Manual on Dispatch Protocol for the Implementation of Enhancements to WESM Design and Operations
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules and Manual on Registration, Suspension and De Registration Criteria and Procedures for the Implementation of Enhancements to WESM Design and Operations
Adopting Further Amendments to the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules and Manual on Billing And Settlement for the Implementation of Enhancements to WESM Design and Operations (Provisions for Prudential Requirements)
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