| Wed, 12 Mar 2025

rules change

Market Governance
Preferential Dispatch

The proposed amendments seek to:

  1. amend the classification of priority dispatch generating units to include all biomass plants (with FiT certificate or none), geothermal, and impounding hydro plants;
  2. provide that controllable generating units involving biomass, geothermal and impounding hydro plants that are currently registered as providers of ancillary services should be registered as scheduled generating units in view of the principles of co-optimizing its energy and reserve capacities through market offers for the upcoming reserve market; and
  3. define projected output for hydropower and geothermal plants classified as priority dispatch generating units


Market Rules and Manuals Affected

  1. WESM Rules; and
  2. WESM Manual on Registration, Suspension and De-registration Criteria and Procedures



ORCP-WR-WM-23-01 - Matrix of Proposed Amendments for Comments - Annexes A to B of this document (Please write your comments in the proper columns in the matrix.)


  1. Original Rules Change Proposal submitted by IEMOP (ORCP-WR-WM-22-13)
  2. PEM Board-approved urgent proposal (RCC Resolution No. 2023-01) per PEM Board Resolution No. 2023-56-01


Kindly submit your comments (in Word format) through the File a Submission page no later than 17 March 2023 or 30 working days from the date of publication (03 February 2023). Please input in the proper field the e-mail address of your point person(s) who we could further contact regarding activities related to the processing of the proposal.

