| Wed, 03 Jul 2024

rules change

Market Governance
Enhancements on the Procedures of Market Intervention/Suspension Declaration, and Assessment of the Market Surveillance Committee

The Market Surveillance Committee's (MSC) Proposed Amendments to the WESM Rules and WESM Manuals on Dispatch Protocol and Market Surveillance regarding Refinements to Procedures during MI/MS (ORCP-RR-RM-23-04) aims to:

  1. Enhance the procedures for the declaration of MI/MS and the processes thereafter to streamline the assessment undertaken by the MSC on these implementations and activities undertaken by the System Operator and Market Operator; and 

  1. Clarify the categorization of the events as Transmission System-related events or Market System-related events. 



Market Rules and Manuals Affected


ORCP-WR-WM-23-04 – Discussion Paper and Matrix of Proposed Amendments for Comments (Please write your comments in the proper columns in the matrix.) 

Proposed Appendix H (Market Intervention and Market Suspension Report Template)

Kindly submit your comments (in Word format) through the File a Submission page no later than 15 June 2023 or 30 working days from the date of publication (03 May 2023). Please input in the proper field the e-mail address of your point person(s) who we could further contact regarding activities related to the processing of the proposal. 

1. 218th RCC Meeting (21 July 2023)

2. 219th RCC Meeting (18 August 2023)