| Wed, 12 Mar 2025

rules change

Market Governance
Penalty, and Enforcement and Compliance

The Philippine Electricity Market Corporation's (PEMC) Proposed Amendments to the WESM Rules and WESM Manuals on Penalty, and Enforcement and Compliance aim to:

A. On Penalty

  1. Transfer the responsibility to collect penalties from the Market Operator to the WESM Governance Arm;
  2. Change the provisions regarding utilization of penalty collected; and
  3. Change the timeline for the implementation of the enforcement sanction (exhaustion of remedies before penalty collection).

B. On Enforcement and Compliance

  1. Transfer all provisions relating to enforcement remedies, i.e., Request for Reconsideration and Appeal proceedings, from the Penalty Manual to Enforcement and Compliance Manual;
  2. Change the timeline for response to non-compliance notice and issuance of the compliance monitoring and assessment report; and
  3. Include provisions or revision to provide clarity on the need for verification of the request for investigation, report of probable breach, and directive or order to investigate as pre-requisite to the issuance of the notice of investigation.


Market Rules and Manuals Affected

  1. WESM Rules (As of 15 August 2023)
  2. WESM Manual on Penalty, Issue 2.0 (Note: The Market Surveillance Committee (MSC) is the WESM Governance Committee designated to review and approve the proposed amendments to this Market Manual, which will be for further approval by the PEM Board and DOE.)
  3. WESM Manual on Enforcement and Compliance, Issue 1.0

ORCP-WR-WM-23-07 - Matrix (Please write your comments in the proper columns in the matrix.)


Kindly submit your comments (in Word format) through the File a Submission page no later than 06 November 2023 or 30 working days from the date of publication (20 September 2023). Please input in the proper field the email address of your point person(s) who we could further contact regarding activities related to the processing of the proposal.