| Wed, 12 Mar 2025

rules change

Market Governance
Rules Change Procedures

The Rules Change Committee (RCC) is inviting all WESM Members and interested parties to submit comments to the Proposed Amendments to the WESM Rules and WESM Manual on Procedures for Changes to the WESM Rules, Retail Rules and Market Manuals (ORCP-WR-WM-24-01).


The proposed amendments seek to:


A. Effectivity of Urgent Amendment

  • Revise the period of validity and implementation from 6 months to until the DOE has approved the corresponding general amendment. 

B. Extension of Effectivity of Urgent Amendment

  • To harmonize with the amendment in the WESM Rules, delete the provisions on extension of effectivity.

C. Deliberation period by the RCC on general amendments

  • Reflect a more realistic period wherein the RCC shall make its decision regarding a proposal


Market Rules and Manuals Affected



ORCP-WR-WM-24-01 - Discussion Paper and Matrix of Proposed Amendments (Please write your comments in the proper columns in the matrix.)


Kindly submit your comments (in Word format) through the File a Submission page no later than 16 May 2024 or 30 working days from the date of publication (03 April 2024). Please input in the proper field the e-mail address of your point person(s) who we could further contact regarding activities related to the processing of the proposalAll comments received shall be published in the PEMC website.


Comments received from:

1.) Manila Electric Company (MERALCO)