| Wed, 03 Jul 2024

advisories & notices

News & Updates
RENEWABLE ENERGY MARKET ADVISORY: Validation of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) Issued for the January 2018 Billing Period
Tue, 25 May 2021
Dear RE Market Participants,   Please be advised that the RE Registrar has already issued the RECs corresponding to the January 2018 Billing Period today, 25 May 2021. REM Participants with issued RECs for the said period are ...
Call for Comments to the Proposed General Amendments to the WESM Rules and WESM Manuals regarding Market Operator and System Operator Procedures (ORCP-WR-WM-21-07)
Tue, 25 May 2021
  The Rules Change Committee (RCC) is inviting all WESM Members and interested parties to submit comments to the IEMOP’s Proposed General Amendments to the WESM Rules and WESM Manuals regarding Market Operator and System...
ERC Initial Order Promulgated on 22 April 2021 re Application for the Structure and Level of Market Transaction Fees for the Renewable Energy Market
Mon, 24 May 2021
This Application was filed by Philippine Electricity Market Corporation (PEMC) pursuant to Section 8 of the Renewable Energy Act of 2008 (RE Act) which mandates PEMC to establish a Renewable Energy Registrar with the task to issue, keep...
Call for Comments for the Proposed Revisions to the PEM Board-Approved Amendments to Clarify Bilateral Contracts Accounted for in Settlements (ORCP-WM-20-03A)
Fri, 23 Apr 2021
  The Rules Change Committee (RCC) is inviting all WESM Members and interested parties to submit comments to the Proposed Revisions to the PEM Board-Approved Amendments to Clarify Bilateral Contracts Accounted for in Settlements...
Call for Comments: Proposed Amendment to the REM Rules from the REM Governance Committee (RGC)
Thu, 22 Apr 2021
The REM Governance Committee (RGC) is inviting all REM Members and interested parties to submit comments to the REM Rule Change Proposals from the Retail Electricity Suppliers Association of the Philippines, Inc. (RESA), as follows: ...