As part of the registration requirements for RE Market participation, please fill out the necessary information in all required registration forms and templates, along with the supporting documents applicable to your...
The PEM Audit Committee (PAC) would like to inform all WESM Members and other interested parties that it has engaged the services of RSM Australia Pty Ltd with support from Market Reform, TechSafe Australia and Reyes Tacandong & Co. to ...
Dear PEMC Stakeholders,
Following Pres. Rodrigo Duterte’s announcement on the Enhanced Luzon Community Quarantine, the Philippine Electricity Market Corporation (PEMC) continues to implement corporate safety measures in the...
The Rules Change Committee (RCC) is inviting all WESM Members and interested parties to submit comments to its Proposed Amendments to the WESM Rules and WESM Manual of Procedures for Changes to the WESM and Retail Rules and Market Manuals...
Dear PEMC Stakeholders,
Noting the increasing number of COVID-19 positive patients all over Metro Manila and the Presidential Declaration of a State of Public Health Emergency, the Philippine Electricity Market Corporation (PEMC) is ...
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