| Wed, 03 Jul 2024

advisories & notices

News & Updates
Implementation of Updated MSP Performance Monitoring and Assessment
Wed, 21 Jul 2021
Dear Metering Services Providers, Please be informed that the Philippine Electricity Market Corporation (PEMC) will be implementing its updated MSP Performance Monitoring and Assessment Procedure effective this month of July 2021 for...
Call for Comments to the Proposed General Amendments to the WESM Manual on Billing and Settlement to Harmonize with ERC Decision on ERC Case No. 2017-042RC regarding Additional Compensation (ORCP-WM-21-09)
Mon, 19 Jul 2021
  The Rules Change Committee (RCC) is inviting all WESM Members and interested parties to submit comments to the IEMOP’s Proposed General Amendments to the WESM Manual on Billing and Settlement to Harmonize with ERC Decision...
Call for Comments: Proposed Amendment to the REM Rules from the REM Governance Committee (ORCP-RGC-2021-004)
Wed, 07 Jul 2021
The REM Governance Committee (RGC) invites all REM Members and interested parties to submit comments to the REM Rule Change Proposal regarding the “Proposed Additional Seat for REM Generators in the RGC.” This proposal from...
Notice of 2021 Annual General Membership Meeting of the Philippine Electricity Market Corporation
Thu, 01 Jul 2021
Please refer to the following relevant documents: Document Download Link   Notice of the Meeting download   Detailed Agenda download...
REM ADVISORY: Updates on the January 2018 REC Issuance and REM Requirements
Wed, 30 Jun 2021
Dear REM Participants Good day! This is to apprise all REM Participants on the status of the January 2018 REC Issuance and to request from you our other REM data requirements. A. Updates on the REC Issuance for January 2018...