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advisories & notices

Advisories & Notices
Commencement of the 4th Review of Metering Installations and Arrangements On-Site Inspection
Thu, 10 Jun 2021


This is in relation to the previous advisory posted on 31 March 2021 regarding the commencement of 4th Review of Metering Installations and Arrangements (RMIA) on-site inspection in July 2021. Considering the prevailing travel restrictions in Australia and Philippines brought about by COVID-19 pandemic, the PEM Audit Committee (PAC) would like to update all WESM Members and other interested parties that this activity will be further moved to January 2022.


The PAC will keep the industry stakeholders abreast on the start of the on-site inspection and will accordingly coordinate with the parties to be audited/reviewed on necessary arrangements to ensure adherence to safety protocols.


Should you have further inquiries, please contact PEMC-Market Assessment Group (MAG) thru mag@wesm.ph .


Thank you and regards,